Tag Archives: friends

Sushi Love!!

19 Jan

I Love food and I enjoy sharing my food stories with my friends. So here’s my first tip, try Ginza’s Fire Kamakachi rolls. They are to die for! I took this picture today while I was having a late lunch with my friend. Doesn’t it look amazing??? I wish I ordered some to bring home with me! hahaha

Fire Kamakachi Rolls

Fire Kamakachi Rolls @ Ginza

I call it the money pit!!!

18 Nov

My best friend is getting married and Im her maid of honor and just by tagging along with her for the past few months I’ve realized how big of a money pit/ bottomless pit planning a wedding. First is the engagement ceremony, then we have the showers, the parties and the wedding it self. All these parties cost ridiculous amounts of money. I totally feel bad for anyone who is planning a wedding. Everything you want to the smallest things you can think of is an extra cost!

We decided to cut some cost by making our own money-box. We managed to save some money with that idea about $30 which is not bad. But even buying a flat plain box costs us $20 which we later realized we could have got the same thing two doors down for $5 less. haha

Another thing that annoys me is the guest’s gifts idea . basically we’re telling people please come to our party that we spent thousands of dollars on and we even going to give you gifts. I understand it’s something nice to do in return for all the gifts you get but at the same time I feel bad when newly weds go in debt because of their weddings.

Some people even put themselves in a bigger hole by having multiple weddings, it’s absolutely alright to do that since most people nowadays are from different places and they end up having a wedding in their country of residence, another at the groom’s home country and one for the bride’s family. BIG money people…BIG MONEY! But I’m a big fan of destination weddings, my sister got married in 3 different countries, my friend is marrying in 3 countries too.

I guess by the time all these weddings are over, all they have to look forward to is their honeymoon which they can’t take right away since they spent all their money on their wedding(s). hahaha, its somewhat sad since honeymoons used to be such a big deal and actually a month-long, now if you get a week off you’re lucky!